Indian History PDF

January 18, 2015 -Daily Dose of Current Affairs

  • IITs and IIMs aim to deepen the roots of education.
    Online courses from the Indian bigwigs will be soon made available. These courses, as a part of Narender Modi's education reforms and digital initiative, will be provided for free.
  • Ashok Shriivasan grabs 'The Hindu prize 2014'.
    'Book of common signs', a collection of 13 short stories, fetched the prize for Ashok Shrinivasan.
  • AB de Villiers sets a world record.
    AB de Villiers who plays for South African hit the fastest century in ODIs with just 31 balls at the Wanderers in Johannesburg against West Indies.
  • Ellen Hogg and Mark Knowles - FIH player of the year.
    Midfielder of Netherlands, Ellen Hogg, and Australian captain, Mark Knowles were named as the player of the year for women and men category, respectively.